Osnovna škola „Sveti Georgije“ nalazi se u veoma lepom vojvođanskom selu Uzdinu, 10 km udaljenom od Kovačice.
Prvi dokumenti o postojanju osnovne škole u Uzdinu datiraju još od 1775. godine. Oko tridesetoro dece je, u objektu sagrađenom od zemlje i prekriveno trskom, učilo kod Vasilea Šubonja. Zbog čestih poplava, Uzdinci se, oko 1800. godine nastanjuju prema severoistoku, gde su ostali do današnjeg dana. Tu su podigli crkvu, a zatim i školu od čvrstog materijala.
Osnovnoj školi 1935. godine pripojena je četvorogodišnja škola iz Putnikova, koja funkcioniše, kao takva do danas. Škola je 1976. dobila novu zgradu koja je pripojena staroj zgradi i tu se obavlja dvojezična nastava na rumunskom i srpskom jeziku.
Specifičnost naše škole je multietničnost. Osim Rumuna i Srba, školu pohađa i dosta Roma. Vaspitno-obrazovni rad izvodi se u 15 odeljenja sa ukupno 214 učenika i 30 nastavnika. U školi postoji i produženi boravak.
Celokupna površina školskog prostora je 2400 m2, uključujući školsku zgradu, dvorište, sportske terene i zelene površine. Škola ima biblioteku za učenike i nastavnike sa preko 6500 knjiga, prostor za organizovanje izložbi, fiskulturnu salu, savremeno opremljene učionice i kabinete, multimedijalnu učionicu.
U našoj školi se postignuća i uspesi učenika sistematski prate. Svako napredovanje i uspeh učenika se pohvaljuju, a izuzetna postignuća se promovišu i nagrađuju. Prati se napredovanje i uspeh učenika na svim nivoima takmičenja. Učenici koji osvoje jedno od prva tri mesta bivaju nagrađeni lepom knjigom i pohvalom jer su svojim trudom i zalaganjem usavršili sebe i svoje znanje, a istovremeno i promovisali školu na najlepši način. Naročito su zapaženi na Republičkim smotrama recitatora, Republičkim takmičenjima iz rumunskog jezika, istorije, biologije, srpskog kao nematernjeg jezika, Republičkim smotrama horova i orkestara i na sportskim Olimpijadama u stonom tenisu.
U cilju očuvanja i negovanja tradicionalnog rumunskog folklora, običaja i pesama, učenici naše škole redovno učestvuju na muzičkim i folklornim festivalima.
Škola uspešno sarađuje sa roditeljima, lokalnom zajednicom, kao i sa Opštinom Kovačica. Uvek se nađu sponzori koji plemenito podržavaju sve akcije i aktivnosti u školi.
Trudimo se da sistematski pratimo i organizujemo humanitarne akcije u cilju poboljšavanja socijalne i materijalne situacije učenika. Ove godine naša škola je deo DILS projekta „Obrazovna inkluzija Roma“. Imamo pedagoškog asistenta koji im pomaže u kvalitetnijem obrazovanju.
Međunarodna saradnja ogleda se dugogodišnjoj zbratimljenosti sa gimnazijom „Vlad Cepeš“ iz Temišvara i sa „Dečjom palatom“ iz Arada, što pruža mogućnost našim učenicima da učestvuju na muzičkim, likovnim i literarnim manifestacijama, razmenjuju iskustva i druže se.
Veoma smo ponosni na uspehe našeg školskog hora i orkestra koji pod dirigentskom palicom Daniela Keca ostvaruju značajna priznanja na Republičkim takmičenjima.
Primary school "St. George" is located in a very nice village Uzdin in Vojvodina, which is 10 km away from Kovačica.
The first documents of the existence of a primary school in Uzdin are dating since 1775. About thirty children, in the house built from the ground and covered with reeds, taught by Vasile Šubonj. Due to frequent flooding, the villagers, (around 1800) inhabited the northeast, where they remained until this day. There they built a church, then a school all out of hard material.
To Elementary School St George in the year 1935, the four-year school in Putnikovo was merged, which functions as such to this day. School in 1976 got a new building that is attached to the old building and the bilingual teaching is done in Romanian and Serbian languages.
The specificity of our school is multiethnic. In addition to Romanians and Serbs, the school is attending a lot of Roma students. Educational work is carried out in 15 classes with a total of 214 students and 30 teachers. At the school there is also an extended stay.
The total surface of school's area is 2400 m2, including the building, garden, sports fields and green space. The school has a library for students and teachers with over 6500 books, a space for organizing exhibitions, gym, equipped modern classrooms and offices, and a multimedia classroom.
In our school, the achievements and successes of students are systematically monitored. Any progress and achievement of students are praised and promote outstanding achievements and rewards. The progress and success of students are followed at all levels of competition.
Students who win one of the top three places are rewarded with praise and a nice book because of their efforts and they improved themselves and their knowledge, and at the same time they promote the school in the best way. Especially noticed are students at the Republic Parade of the reciters, Republican contests in the Romanian language, history, biology, Serbian as a second language, the Republic Parade of choirs and orchestras and on the sports Olympics in table tennis.
In order to preserve and foster the traditional Romanian folklore, customs and songs, our students regularly participate in music and folk festivals.
The school is successfully cooperating with parents, the local community, as well as the Municipality of Kovačica. There were always generous sponsors who support the actions and activities of the school.
We try to systematically monitor and organize humanitarian activities in order to improve the social and material situation of students. This year our school is part of the DILS project "Education of Roma Inclusion". We have a pedagogical assistant that helps them to have better and quality education.
International cooperation is reflected in long brotherhood with high school "Vlad Tepes" of Timisoara and the "Children's Palace" in Arad, which provides an opportunity for our students to participate in music, art and literary events, share experiences and socialize.
We are very proud of the success of our school choir and orchestra which under the Bandmaster’s baton of Daniel Kec achieved significant recognition on the national level competitions.